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NFT Community

Bored Board
Boating Club

Exclusive NFT Club Only on the Stellar Network

Current Floor Price: 
500 $XLM


The Club

The Bored Board Boating Club (BBBC) is filled with only the highest quality boards that are full of extreme boredom. Board Members are added through winning official BBBC auctions on Litemint.


Each Bored Board is a unique 1 of 1 NFT designed by Sir Cheesely on Litemint designed to build a fun community on the Stellar Network who have an appreciation for only the finest art in the crypto space. 


View the NFTs at the following link: Bored Board Collection 


"Board Members" gain access to benefits including:


  • Random airdrops from Stellar token projects

  • Random digital collectible (multi-mint) airdrops

  • Access to exclusive social media groups and channels

  • More exciting surprises through 2022.




Q1/Q2 2022
  • Release the first phase of 100 Unique Bored Board NFTs (pending demand) - These are not auto-generated or computer generated. NFTs are obtained through Litemint Auctions on a periodic basis.

  • Establish general social media channels for the project.

  • Obtain at least 1 Stellar Project "Sponsor" to provide random airdrops to Bored Board Boating Club members.

  • Establish secret social media channels for BBBC members and invite all NFT holders to join the secret "Board Member" channels.

Q3/Q4 2022
  • Continue NFT releases through Litemint Auctions.

  • If 100 Boards are sold, begin the "Phase 2" Bored Board NFTs.

  • Obtain at least 2 additional Stellar Project "Sponsors" to provide random airdrops to Bored Board Boating Club members.

  • Obtain artwork from popular Stellar artists to provide digital collectibles via airdrop to Bored Board members.

  • Collaborations with at least one other Stellar NFT project for the benefit of Bored Board NFT members.

Short-Term Milestones

5 Board Members: Unlock the Private Board Member-Only Telegram Chat​


10 Board Members: First Surprise Airdrop to All Members


25 Board Members: First Token Airdrop from a Surprise Sponsor


50 Board Members: Celebratory "Board Box" Airdrop (Sponsor Tokens + Collectibles)


100 Board Members: Celebratory Web-Browser Video Game, and awarding the title "Chair of the Board" to the person holding the most Bored Boards. Then, begin "Phase 2" - Boards 101 through 1,000. 

Official Reward Token

To celebrate 40 Bored Boards sold, a rewards token has been minted that will be distributed exclusively to Bored Board Members. These rewards tokens will be used for special purposes similar to rewards points programs.


View on Stellar Expert Here


Official Token Name: BoredBoard




Total Tokens Minted: 5,000,000

Board Token Img.jpg




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Thanks for submitting!

Terms and Conditions: This club is for holders of specific NFTs to build a social community with fun and games. To join the Bored Board Boating Club, you must obtain one of the official Bored Board NFTs via auction on Litemint or other official sanctioned games (giveaway/raffles) announced through the official Bored Boards social media channels. These are announced daily on the official social media channels (Twitter, Telegram, and the official Website). Bored Boards sold on the secondary market must be approved by Sir Cheesely in order for the buyer of the Bored Board to be transferred the rights and privileges of being a member of the Bored Board Boating Club. Either the seller of the Board provides a 10% royalty on the sale of the Board to the creator of the NFT (Sir Cheesely) for distribution to Board Members, or the buyer of the NFT provides a 10% royalty to the creator of the NFT (Sir Cheesely) for distribution to Board Members. If royalties are not paid, then the holder of the NFT will not be included as a member of the Bored Board Boating Club until such royalties are paid. Participation in Bored Board Boating Club private chats, private social media channels, exclusive games, networking events, etc. are a privilege of being a member and not a right. You may be removed from specific membership activities, games, and private chats for any reason as deemed necessary by the creator of the NFTs (Sir Cheesely). Airdrops and rewards are not guaranteed and may vary between sponsor tokens to digital collectibles to digital events and activities. This club does not guarantee airdrops, value of airdrops, frequency of airdrops, etc. Airdrops are determined by sponsors within the Stellar community who wish to provide digital goods to members of this club. No single member of the club, nor the creator of the NFTs, is responsible for rewards earned in the club. Please do your own research and understand the risks of all tokens and digital assets on the Stellar Network before making decisions to purchase NFTs, digital collectibles, tokens, etc. The club and the creator of the NFTs are not responsible for any gains or losses in value of digital assets as these factors are determined by the market.


Bored Board Rewards Tokens:

Please be aware that the Bored Boards Rewards Tokens are minted and meant for fun use inside of the membership organization similar to rewards points. These rewards tokens have no backed monetary value and are not worth any value outside of the Bored Boards internal ecosystem of NFT auctions and swapping rewards tokens for NFTs. The Bored Board Members and the creator (Sir Cheesely) have no control over secondary sales of these rewards tokens should people holding the Rewards Tokens decide to sell them on the secondary market like any other digital collectible or asset. 

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